Andrew Godwin (b. 1983, Knoxville, TN, USA) is a draw-er and painter exploring the wisdom and meaning of the natural world- metaphors about the big questions of existence, purpose, and how to live hidden in systems of tree communication, tide pools, bird songs, and the fungal network. His work grows from a personal mythology that everything is connected in a great web of existence, each part with something to teach the others.
This philosophical approach to the physical world connects him to a lineage of searchers devoted to deeply personal readings of their environments: the scientific mysticism of Hilma af Klint, the desert Taoism of Agnes Martin, the forest meditations of Thomas Nozkowski, and back to paleolithic art.
His creative practice is heavily influenced by his running practice, a meditative endeavor including trail runs over thirty miles that allow both immersion in isolated places and a mental and emotional transformation that opens physical experience to metaphysical meaning.
Godwin has most recently shown with The Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville, The American Institute of Architects, and A1LabArts. In 2023, he will present a solo exhibition at The Tomato Head in Knoxville.